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A training on cryptocurrencies
for CIFs and CGPs.

Learn to better understand this new asset class to support your clients.

*paid training conducted by Coliseum Engineering and Minute Broker exclusively for CIFs & CGPs.
Illustration cgp
+250M€ Delegated assets
+120k Number of users
Active since 2017
Since 2021 VASP
Icon briefcase

An innovative and specific training exclusively for CIFs and CGPs

Icon clock

10 hours of training structured in independent modules for greater flexibility and effectiveness

Icon certification

A DDA-compliant training with essential and recognized content

This training was conducted with the involvement of several experts from the cryptocurrencies and traditional finance sectors.
Les thématiques abordées Intervenants Sociétés Module 1 Introduction to blockchain and cryptocurrencies Owen Simonin Icon meria Module 2 The different types of blockchain and cryptocurrencies Matthias Valet Icon rufiji Module 3 Discover Web 3 Jean-Nicolas Hinard Icon wagmi Module 4 Discover Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Maxime Baron Icon hashconsulting Module 5 Adoption and use cases Artem Siyakin Icon oakinvest Module 6 Discover tokenomics Maxime Sarthet Icon equisafe Module 7 Investing in cryptocurrencies Edouard Belliard Icon meria Module 8 Investment platforms Thibaut Boutrou Icon meria Module 9 Diversification Anthony Calci Icon calcipatrimoine Module 10 OPC investment solutions Valentin Francois Icon arbevel Module 11 The fiscal environment Emilie Jurdic Icon waltio Module 12 The regulatory environment Victor Charpiat Icon kramerlevin

Find our white paper

check Why invest
check Market overview
check Regulatory framework
check Operational tips
check Cryptocurrency taxation
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Meria at the service of CIFs and CGPs

For several years, Meria has been supporting Financial Investment Advisers (CIF) and Wealth Management Advisers (CGP) to meet the growing needs of their clients in terms of cryptocurrencies. We have designed a managed investment service, structured around three risk profiles, which has been particularly well received within the profession.

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  • I am a CIF, am I allowed to recommend cryptocurrencies to my client? Icon arrow

    It is indeed possible for a CIF to recommend cryptocurrencies to their client.

    However, before making any recommendations, the CIF has a triple duty towards their client, defined by the AMF. When investing in cryptocurrencies, the CIF must ensure that the investment is in line with the client's objectives, as well as being suitable according to several criteria. The CIF will also be required to inform their client of any remuneration they receive from a third party.

    As part of the good practices established by the regulator, just like in traditional finance, the adviser will fulfill their 'due diligence' obligations, to guide their client towards an investment professional that fits their needs and goals.

  • How is the customer journey and follow-up at Meria structured? Icon arrow

    The CIF professional must first register on the platform and complete their KYB (Know Your Business) before any connection with their client(s). Once this step is validated, the client(s) brought by the adviser must themselves complete their registration by providing their KYC (Know Your Customer) information before any investment transactions or fund transfers. Once these two steps are completed, the client(s) brought in will be linked to the adviser's profile.

  • How is the follow-up of my client's investments organized? Icon arrow

    The follow-up is organized tripartite among the client, the introducer, and Meria. However, monitoring and management vary depending on the management mode chosen by the client.

  • Can Meria contribute to educating my clients through educational sessions? Icon arrow

    Depending on your needs, Meria can provide your clients with educational resources to help them confidently approach investing in cryptocurrencies. Several formats are possible (Webinar, physical intervention, etc.). We invite you to contact our teams to define the appropriate solution.